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Training camp is done! After 30 straight days in Georgia, we are on the road to start ministry! The girls are going to Florida and the boys to Kentucky and I hate to admit it, but I think I actually might miss them. Having fourteen annoying brothers isn’t really all that bad. But we’ll all be reunited in just a week. Some changes have been made to the travel plans…


On October 14, we’ll be flying to Guatemala and instead of staying there through December, we’ll be flying to Vietnam early December to spend a month doing ministry there. Then, we’ll drive to Cambodia early January to get back on the regular travel plans! It’s fair to say that GOD IS SO GOOD!

But let’s talk about where we’ve been.

To put it simply…training camp was awful. BUT ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. These past few weeks have been so beyond challenging in the best way possible. I’ve seen tremendous growth in me individually and in my whole squad and now I can confidently say that we’re ready to take on the world! We’ve laughed, cried, rejoiced, and basically gone through all the emotions. Between leaving home, sleeping in a tent, occasional having only boiled eggs for lunch, never having clean clothes, being challenged in many sessions, sharing the most vulnerable parts of you with brand new friends, having to solely rely on the Lord, cutting out ghosts as part of doing ministry in a thrift library, and adjusting to living with 50 people, it has definitely been hard. But I have conquered so many things I didn’t think I could handle and it’s been so evident to see the Lord’s hand over my life and over this chapter of my life. Every day, He makes it more and more clear that this is exactly where I’m supposed to be.

At times, I’m jumping up and down that we’re already one month done with this and at other times, it hurts to think that I’m already 1/9 done with my time with all of these amazing people. Want to find the greatest community you could ever find? Do the World Race. You won’t regret it.