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I’ve been having this one vision for a few months now. It was the scene of Jesus calling Peter out of the boat to walk on water towards Him, except I was Peter. And that’s all I knew. I would see it over and over again but never really stopped to ask God what it meant.

This week, we had a session about hearing from God and the speaker mentioned how He is always speaking, we just need to tune in. It’s like TV waves, they’re all around us, but we can’t see their use unless we turn a TV on. He is always around us, always speaking, we just have to “turn our TV on” and tune in to hear what He has to say. After the session, we had a few minutes of silence to listen to God and hear what He has to say to us. So as it’s been all summer, I saw the same vision, but was intentional this time about turning my TV on and listening to what He has to say about it. And clarity was brought.

In this vision, I am standing in the boat amidst the waves, representing me standing in my comfort zone. Jesus is calling me out of my comfort zone to walk to Him. So I step out of the boat and start waking towards Him, but I keep looking around at my surroundings or turning around to see the people or things behind me. And every time I do that, I begin to sink. But as I maintain eye contact with Him, not only am I able to stand in the middle of crashing waves, but I can walk straight towards Him. I just have to maintain eye contact.

I’ve had a bandana tied to my backpack for a few days and have been having this feeling to blindfold myself during worship because I have a really hard time focusing in a busy environment like that. But I didn’t want to draw any attention to myself by looking different than everyone else. I knew it’s what I needed to do but there were so many mental things holding me back. But after hearing clarification over this vision, I decided to blindfold myself during the next worship session to see how the Lord would speak. And He did so very clearly.

A few days later during one of the worship sessions, everyone was forced to wear a blindfold to solely focus on God. And in that moment, I felt so honored seeing how my obedience to God led so many people to experience Him they way I have for so many days now.

By forcing my eyes closed, I was able to really see Him and look ONLY into His eyes. It’s crazy what the Lord can do when you listen to Him speak. Every time I blind myself, I learn to lean on Him more and more.