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Raise $16,400. And then also find money for supplies. This felt impossible. Yet I knew that with God, all things are possible. But there’s always still doubt. I really wanted to get fully funded before I left but I had little to no faith that I’d even get fully funded by the actual deadline in January, much less in September. I decided to start slow by just posting my donation link on Instagram. Little did I know that that would be all I needed to do. A big wave of donations would come in and when it would slow down I would begin to think of different fundraising methods. But every time I started to take things into my own hands, the Lord would once again provide. I had planned on designing and selling t-shirts and doing an adopt-a-box but I never needed to.

Within 70 days, I had raised every penny I needed, and then some. I had families donate checks straight to me to help support all of the supplies I needed. It was taking me months and months to get maybe $500 from a college but I was able to raise over $20,000 in 10 weeks because of the Lord. The finances were always there, I just had to find the right place where the Lord wanted to place it. The Lord providing financially encouraged me more and more every single day that I was supposed to do the World Race and that He always has me in His hands. Philippians 4:19 has become a verse I’ve taken to heart in this season reminding me that, “my God will meet all MY needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”